Union of Syrian Democrats:

A union comprising a group of intellectuals, writers, students, and secular activists with the aim of organizing a political, social, and cultural platform that defends the rights of Syrians and solidifies the values of democracy, justice, and dignity.

Foundation and Main Objectives:

After the outbreak of the March 2011 revolution, various political and military factions emerged in Syria. Unfortunately, many of them adopted narratives that deviated from the true goals of the revolution, which were centered on freedom and dignity. This prompted a group of intellectuals, writers, students, and secular activists to establish a union that would bring together political and social forces to organize a political, social, and cultural platform that defends the rights of Syrians and promotes the values of democracy, justice, and dignity.

Political Vision of the Union of Syrian Democrats:

The Union believes that the Syrian people are one, with diverse ethnicities, religions, and sects, and that citizenship is grounded in diversity and equality among all its members and components. The Union rejects the concept of minorities and majorities, viewing religious and ethnic diversity as a source of strength for the nation. It promotes equality among all “national” and religious groups, regardless of their size.

The Union is working to abolish any laws that discriminate among the components of the Syrian people, considering civil, political, social, economic, and cultural rights as priorities in its work.
The Union also seeks to protect freedom of belief and the practice of religious rituals. Additionally, it supports literary publications in local languages and encourages the celebration of religious holidays for all faiths, with the goal of building a diverse and cohesive Syrian society that respects the rights of all without discrimination.

Key Programs and Initiatives:

The Union is actively working to unify political efforts and has now become one of the main participants in the social and political development project. The Union of Syrian Democrats has engaged in several collaborative projects with international universities and research centers, particularly in the fields of environmental and social development.

The Union also contributed during the recent global crisis (COVID-19), providing social support and studying the nature of the local community in Syria. Additionally, it played a role in responding to the earthquake that struck northwestern Syria.

Interaction with Other Members of the Syrian Democratic Alliance:

The Union holds membership in the following offices within the Alliance, with its representatives as follows: Dr. Mohammad Walid Tamer in the General Secretariat, Attorney Ali Hamadeh in the Political Office, Mr. Mohammad Al-Zoubani in the Oversight Office, and Mr. Ibrahim Al-Khalil in the Media Cooperation Network.

Main Challenges and How the Union Has Addressed Them:

The Union has faced challenges in Syrian meetings aimed at leading social and political decisions. Despite these difficulties and complex situations where solutions were hard to reach, the Union remains steadfast in combating destructive nationalist fanaticism, national disintegration, and resisting any attempts to divide Syria and establish entities that would fragment its unity.

Future Plans of the Union of Syrian Democrats:

The Union is working diligently to ensure the political and cultural rights of Syrian citizens, aiming to become a cornerstone in the future political and social system.
The Union firmly believes in the legitimacy and right of various intellectual, political, and cultural currents to exist, and it strives to defend the rights of citizenship.
Confronting extremism and fanaticism is a top priority, with the goal of building a diverse, just, and equal Syrian society.