Association of Detainees and Missing Persons of the South:

An association focused on documenting violations against the population, such as arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance, particularly in light of the lack of efforts to document these violations. It operates according to specific standards and criteria to identify the parties responsible for these actions.

Establishment of the Association:

The Association of Detainees and Missing Persons of the South focuses on documenting violations against the local population, particularly arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance, which have increased in recent years. This rise in violations has coincided with a lack of efforts to document these cases, along with denial by security agencies and their attempts to evade responsibility. Therefore, the need arose to document these incidents according to specific standards and criteria that identify the responsible parties. The members of the Association agreed to work together under the name “Association of Detainees and Missing Persons of the South.

Vision and Objectives of the Association:

The Association aims to achieve justice for detainees, missing persons, and those forcibly disappeared due to their opinions or political activities. It does this by documenting and identifying the entities responsible for these violations and uncovering their fates, particularly in southern Syria. The Association also strives to connect with the families of the missing, offering them moral support and amplifying their voices and struggles through various means.

Additionally, the Association works on identifying the locations of mass graves in the south, raising legal awareness about the importance of preserving these sites without disturbing them until a legal process can be established to open them and identify the victims.

Key Programs and Projects of the Association:

The Association is dedicated to documenting all cases of arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance in the provinces of Daraa and Quneitra. Since the start of the protests in 2011, they have documented nearly five thousand cases, with ongoing updates on new cases on a monthly basis. The Association also advocates for the cause of detainees at various forums and supports the families of the missing, encouraging them to document their cases, as this is the most effective way to achieve transitional justice and ensure accountability.

Interaction with the Local Community and Members of the Syrian Democratic Alliance:

The Association has established itself as a trusted entity among civil society organizations in the south since its founding in 2015 and until the regime’s control of southern Syria in late 2018. It has participated in numerous community activities, emphasizing the importance of documentation in accountability processes and achieving transitional justice.

The Association aspires to contribute and form partnerships with all organizations concerned with the issue of the missing, including those involved in the Syrian Democratic Alliance, to unify efforts and apply pressure to elevate the issue of arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance as a humanitarian priority above negotiations.

Main Challenges and How They Were Addressed:

One of the major challenges faced by the Association was the lack of an effective institution capable of unifying efforts and creating a comprehensive database covering all of Syria, which is crucial for addressing the issue of the missing appropriately and exerting the necessary pressure to protect their lives and prevent torture. The second challenge was limited funding, with most of the work being done by volunteers committed to the importance of this mission.

Future Plans of the Association:

The Association plans to continue its documentation and updates, as well as engage with the newly established independent institution for uncovering the fate of the missing (IIMP SYRIA). Several meetings have already been held to gather recommendations from the families of the missing, provide these to the institution, and continue advocacy efforts.