
In light of the fall of the Assad regime and the sudden changes in Syria, the Syrian Democratic Alliance finds itself compelled to re-evaluate its strategy, structure, and goals, particularly following the successive statements by the interim president, Ahmad al-Shara. These new developments require a clear stance from the Alliance defining its direction regarding the new administration, political work, the national dialogue conference, the transitional phase, reconstruction, transitional justice, refugee issues, the constitution, elections, and the economy. Against this background, the Alliance is reformulating its position to reflect recent political developments

 :The Stance on the New Administration in Syria

After interim president Ahmad al-Shara’s announcement of his vision for a new Syria, the signals from the new administration show a discourse in favour of reform and openness on the one hand, and practices that reflect the continued dominance of some actors with undemocratic backgrounds on the other. Although some ministers, such as the foreign minister, appear open to political forces and the international community, there are concerning signs, such as the appointment of unqualified individuals to judicial positions, the granting of military ranks to non-Syrian officers, the appointment of military personnel to civilian roles, and the overall lack of diversity in the government

The Syrian Democratic Alliance emphasizes the following points


 Ensuring security through effective mechanisms that prevent all forms of violations, regardless of the responsible party, and dealing with them firmly in accordance with standards of justice and accountability, respecting human rights, thereby establishing a safe and stable environment that respects the rights of all citizens.

Prohibiting torture and enforced disappearance under any circumstances and for all parties, as these are inalienable human rights.

 Focusing on the separation of powers, judicial independence, and the establishment of a civil legal system.

 The planned mini-legislative body should be based on competence, experience, integrity, balance and inclusiveness, not monochromaticity.

 Participation in building the new state should be based on competence and expertise, not on loyalties or ideological backgrounds, with consideration for gender balance

 It is insufficient to issue statements about democracy without implementing concrete measures, such as guaranteeing political freedoms, ensuring judicial independence, abandoning exclusionary practices, and adopting human rights principles

– There must be genuine representation of all components of Syrian society, far removed from minority politics and sectarian quotas.

– Compliance with human rights and the principles of political participation by the transitional government is a prerequisite for the lifting of sanctions against Syria.

– There must be a transparent mechanism to monitor the performance of the transitional government to ensure that it adheres to the principles of plurality and effective participation

:Political Work in Syria

The Syrian Democratic Alliance emphasizes that political work is the foundation for democratic change, yet the signals from the new administration regarding parties and organizations remain unclear. Although some forces have attempted to organize public meetings in Damascus, there are restrictions on the political activities of democratic groups under the pretext of the absence of a law regulating party work

:The Alliance stresses the need for

 A clear law guaranteeing freedom of political work without interference from the executive branch, in conjunction with the constitutional declaration, without waiting for the interim or permanent constitution.

Allowing political forces to open offices in all Syrian provinces, including the capital, Damascus.

Halting all forms of restrictions on meetings and civil organizations.

– Guaranteeing the right to assembly and political expression as stipulated in successive Syrian constitutions and international agreements.

The Alliance is working to expand its on-the-ground presence by opening offices and conducting dialogue workshops on democracy and governance.

:The National Dialogue Conference

The new administration has canceled the general national congress after several postponements and replaced it with a national dialogue conference. Although the new administration has expressed its intention to organize a national dialogue conference, the details remain unclear. So far, neither the powers of the conference, the binding nature of its outcomes, the participation criteria, nor the timetable have been announced


 :The Alliance views on the conference as a body that should

– Should appoint the constitutional committee or the committee responsible for drafting the upcoming constitution.

– Include all political and civil forces, not be based on confessional quotas.

– Should be based on clear principles with binding results.

– Should be based on the principles of competence and participation.

The Alliance is working to communicate with opposition forces inside and outside Syria to coordinate a unified position that pressures for the transparency of the conference and prevents it from becoming a platform for legitimizing monopolization of power.

:The Transitional Phase

The new administration has stated that the transitional phase will last for three to five years, but there is still no clarity on the form and mechanisms of this phase. The issue of removing terrorist designations, lifting sanctions, and the official political recognition of the new regime depends on the behavior of the new administration, not just on the positions of states. The transition from a single-faction administration to a diverse Syrian administration and adherence to the rule of law are crucial for evaluating international support for the transitional phase in Syria.

The Alliance supports the transitional phase but evaluates the steps of the new administration based on their importance, timing, and alignment with national standards it deems necessary to achieve constitutional legitimacy, public acceptance, and international recognition.

:The Alliance sees the democratic transition as a process requires

– An urgent constitutional decree drafted by a panel of legal experts and experts who have worked on the constitutional file in recent years.

– The formation of a transitional government that includes all political spectrums to prevent the monopolization of power.

– No decisive and sovereign decisions such as constitutional amendments without broad consultation.

– Establishing a clear roadmap with specific steps and a timeline for implementing reforms.

– Establishing an independent oversight committee to monitor the implementation of transitional policies.

The Alliance is committed to exerting pressure through available actors to ensure that the transitional government respects the principles of democracy and does not reproduce a dictatorship.


The Alliance views reconstruction in Syria as an urgent priority, as the return of internally displaced persons and refugees cannot occur without it. The challenges of reconstruction are enormous and relate not only to funding but also to the constitutional and legal structures that currently pose obstacles. Without an independent, fair, and efficient judicial system, a transparent banking system, and a financial system aligned with international standards, Syria will not be able to accomplish this significant task.

:Recommendations of the Alliance

– Prevent the involvement of Syrian investors and businessmen implicated in crimes of the former regime without prior accountability mechanisms.

– Ensure that reconstruction is not monopolised by entities linked to the new administration.

– Ensure that reconstruction projects are sustainable and benefit all Syrians.

– Utilising the expertise of Syrian professionals abroad to support reconstruction.

– Addressing the needs of the victims.

Transitional Justice

The Alliance emphasizes that a comprehensive approach to transitional justice is necessary to address the massive human rights violations in Syria. It calls for the establishment of an independent commission for transitional justice, led by impartial and reputable individuals with experience in this field. The commission should conduct broad consultations with victims and their families to consider their needs and experiences.

The Alliance sees transitional justice as a process that

– Requires the establishment of an independent commission of enquiry into past crimes and violations, composed of competent and impartial individuals who have worked on transitional justice in recent years.

– Ensures victims’ rights through transparent accountability mechanisms and public trials.

– Includes current violations by all parties.

– Does not grant immunity to perpetrators of crimes against humanity.

– Is gender sensitive.

The Issue of the Missing and Forcibly Disappeared

The Alliance emphasizes that the issue of the missing and forcibly disappeared is one of the most urgent and sensitive issues in the transitional process of the new Syria. Without uncovering the truth, holding the perpetrators accountable, and compensating the victims and their families, genuine national reconciliation cannot be achieved.

:The Alliance sees the resolution of this issue as a process that requires

– The establishment of an independent national enquiry to investigate cases of enforced disappearance, including representatives of victims and human rights organizations, with full access to all records and detention facilities.

– The commitment of all parties involved to uncover the fate of the missing and release unconvicted or arbitrarily sentenced detainees that violate human rights.

– Ensuring accountability and preventing impunity by referring those responsible for enforced disappearance to fair trials and rejecting any general amnesty or political settlements that ignore victims’ rights.

– Providing fair compensation to the families of the missing and ensuring their right to know the truth, including opening all security archives and conducting transparent investigations into the fate of their loved ones.

– Supporting psychological and social rehabilitation programs for survivors and families of the missing and integrating them into transitional justice efforts to ensure genuine redress.

Any transitional process in Syria will lack legitimacy unless it comprehensively addresses the issue of the missing and forcibly disappeared, ensuring truth, justice, and accountability, and preventing the recurrence of such crimes in the future.

The Return of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons

The Alliance emphasizes that the issue of refugees and internally displaced persons is closely linked to transitional justice and reconstruction and must be a priority in the transitional phase and on the agenda of the future government.

The Alliance sees voluntary return as a process that requires

– A stable and secure environment that guarantees legal and social protection for returnees.

– A clear political path that ensures the representation of all Syrians.

– Genuine transitional justice that includes accountability and reparations.

The Alliance stresses that resolving this issue requires establishing effective governance and oversight mechanisms to ensure the issue is not politicized and remains within the national framework.

The Constitutional Declaration and the Syrian Constitution

The Alliance emphasizes that the priority today is to issue a constitutional declaration that respects human rights and guarantees political entities and forces the freedom to organize, mobilize, work, and participate in all aspects of the transitional phase.

:The Alliance sees the new Syrian constitution as a document that

– Is the outcome of a broad national consensus within the framework of the national dialogue conference.

– Ensures the Syrian national identity by enshrining citizenship and human rights.

– Reflects the philosophy of the new Syrian life and defines the relationship between state and society.

– Is the result of the efforts of Syrian political, intellectual and legal professionals who are able to formulate a modern constitution.

The Electoral Law

The Alliance emphasizes that any electoral process should be based on a clear legal framework that ensures the integrity of elections. It calls for independent monitoring procedures to prevent violations that could affect the transparency of elections and balanced representation criteria to ensure no Syrian component is excluded without falling into sectarian quotas.

The Economic Direction

The Alliance emphasises that the current economic policies of the transitional government, such as the cancellation of subsidies for bread, the standardisation of customs tariffs and the increase in salaries, lack a comprehensive vision that takes into account the urgent needs of citizens. It emphasises the need to meet the basic needs of Syrians for food, health and education through a socially oriented economic approach, to ensure social justice through a fair distribution of resources and to promote transparency in economic governance and sovereign decision-making.

 Foreign Relations

The Alliance emphasizes the importance of balanced foreign relations based on respect for national sovereignty and the promotion of cooperation with the international community in the interest of the Syrian people. It stresses that the foreign policy of the new Syria should be based on balance, sovereignty, and national interests, without becoming dependent on external actors.

:The Alliance emphasizes the following principles

– The signing of international human rights agreements.

– Respecting national sovereignty and preventing external interference in Syrian decision-making.

– Promoting regional and international co-operation based on shared interests and mutual respect.

– Supporting the political solution in Syria through international partnerships that contribute to the stabilisation and reconstruction of the country.

– Remaining open to the international community while maintaining national decision-making autonomy and avoiding unconsidered alignment with any bloc.

– The need for a national participatory approach to consultations and sovereign decisions on foreign military presence, including Russian and Turkish bases in Syria, to ensure that decisions affecting national sovereignty and the country’s future are not taken single-handedly.

– Restructuring international relations on the basis of equality to correct previous imbalances and holding countries that contributed to the destruction of Syria and its indebtedness under the previous regime, particularly Russia and Iran, accountable through fair compensation or mechanisms supporting reconstruction in the interest of the Syrian people.

The Syrian Democratic Alliance reaffirms its commitment to working with all parties to achieve the aspirations of the Syrian people for a democratic, pluralistic state that guarantees the rights of all its citizens and achieves justice and equality.


The Syrian Democratic Alliance believes that building a new Syria requires a clear roadmap focusing on transitional justice, reconstruction, and political reform, as well as a political environment that ensures genuine participation of all Syrians without exclusion. Achieving this goal requires profound institutional reforms to prevent the reproduction of authoritarianism, as well as national and international commitment to supporting the democratic transition.

As Syria enters a critical phase in its history, the Alliance affirms that the desired change can only be achieved through a comprehensive and sustainable approach that respects the rights of all citizens and establishes a just state based on citizenship, the rule of law, and equality.

The Syrian Democratic Alliance