Syrians Bloc:

The Syrians Bloc is a national political entity striving to build Syria as a unified, civil state with full sovereignty over its territory. The Bloc is committed to the principle of citizenship rights for every Syrian individual and upholds the values of justice, freedom, and dignity. It works towards achieving freedom, equality, and democracy while reaffirming the goals of the Syrian revolution.

Introduction and Establishment:

The Syrians Bloc is a national political coalition dedicated to building Syria as a unified civil state, sovereign over its territory. The Bloc is committed to the principle of citizenship rights for every Syrian, upholding the values of justice, freedom, and dignity. It rejects any dependency on foreign entities or states. The Bloc was formed in early 2017 by a group of Syrian activists, both inside and outside Syria, with the goal of achieving the freedom, equality, and democracy that represent the core aspirations of the Syrian people, reaffirming the goals of the Syrian revolution, and working to eliminate tyranny in all its forms, both now and in the future, to ensure Syria is a country for all Syrians, regardless of their sects and ethnicities. The Bloc also aims to prosecute war criminals and those who committed crimes in Syria, allowing Syrians to live in peace through the application of transitional justice after the fall of tyranny.

Strategic Objectives of the Syrians Bloc:

The strategic objectives of the Syrians Bloc are outlined in nine key points, forming the Bloc’s roadmap:

1. Overthrowing the tyrannical regime in Syria, along with its oppressive military, security, and party apparatuses, and prosecuting all those who committed crimes and violations against the people in the appropriate courts.

2. Establishing a civil state that guarantees equality, justice, rights, and freedoms for all citizens, and ensuring the permanent elimination of all forms of tyranny, whether political, religious, or ethnic.

3. Creating a democratic system that enshrines the principles of separation of powers, power transfer through free elections, and the rule of law.

4. Opposing sectarianism, religious authoritarianism, and social oppression, rejecting calls for revenge, promoting civil society to reinforce the concept of citizenship, and opposing the dominance or exploitation of any group—whether religious, ethnic, or sectarian—for political or public gain, while working to separate religion from the state.

5. Building a society that ensures the restoration of civil peace and national reconciliation through the process of “transitional justice” as outlined in the Bloc’s adopted document.

6. Restructuring the military and security apparatus on a national basis according to governance standards, defining its mission to protect the country and the people, respecting human rights, being accountable to political authority and parliamentary oversight, holding its members accountable in courts, and prohibiting them from interfering in political affairs.

7. Ensuring complete independence of the judiciary, including civil, administrative, and constitutional courts, and staffing it with qualified, independent, impartial, and honest personnel.

8. Drafting a modern constitution that reflects the changes and developments in Syrian society, includes the Bloc’s strategic objectives, and recognizes its document titled “Supreme Principles” as a supraconstitutional reference.

9. Adopting administrative decentralization as a system that can achieve equality across all regions of Syria.

Political Vision of the Bloc:

The Syrians Bloc aims to develop political work in Syria through the following approaches:

1. Creating a popular national political entity that is widespread and influential, revolutionary in its values and references, and credible in its representation and leadership.

2. Applying peaceful popular pressure on influential forces in the Syrian issue to help achieve the goals of freedom and democracy.

3. Connecting these popular bases with an organizational and administrative structure that allows them to elect a political leadership capable of representing them.

4. Engaging with all states and influential forces in the Syrian issue through political leadership, without compromising any of the revolution’s demands and goals.

5. Collaborating with other Syrian national political entities that believe in freedom, justice, and democracy to coordinate, cooperate, and integrate towards achieving the ultimate goal of unified political representation and advancing towards a transitional phase.

6. Working towards a political solution to the Syrian issue in accordance with the Geneva I resolutions.

The Syrians Bloc and the Syrian Democratic Alliance:

The Syrians Bloc played a crucial role in establishing the Syrian Democratic Alliance, making significant efforts alongside other founding partners. The Bloc actively participates in various Alliance offices, such as the Advisory Office, the Initial and Appellate Arbitration Office, the Presidential Office, and the General Secretariat.

Operational Mechanisms for Implementing Major Political Projects:

The Syrians Bloc works by networking and gathering Syrians both inside and outside the country from a purely national standpoint. It supports all intellectual and political currents that embrace democracy and oppose tyranny by engaging with them and coordinating efforts to create alliances and joint work. Through seminars, lectures, and intellectual exchanges, the Bloc has managed to bridge gaps between Syrians, turning dialogue among different factions into a tool for achieving common goals for the benefit of Syrian society and its future in attaining freedom and building a state of citizenship. The process of building bridges, understanding, and alliances serves as a prelude to the formation of a nucleus around which Syrians can convene to hold a national conference with a democratic character. This conference would unite Syrians and establish a specific timeline for implementing a national Syrian project that ensures the dignity of Syrians, freeing them from all forms of terror from the criminal regime and radical organizations, and ending tyranny and dependency while liberating all Syrian territories from foreign forces.

Challenges and Difficulties Faced by the Syrians Bloc:

The Bloc, like most revolutionary forces, faces the dominance of de facto power structures that use force and arms against the people’s will to attain freedom and reclaim their rights. These structures pose a real threat to the lives of members of democratic Syrian movements working within the country. Therefore, the Syrians Bloc takes a firm stance against tyranny, oppression, and injustice, aligning itself with the will of the Syrian people, which it considers the highest value that must be achieved.
The Bloc does not tolerate attempts by opportunists and climbers to undermine the revolution’s principles and extends its hands to any national Syrian project aimed at building a prosperous Syria.